Pepa's Black Garlic,
Made With Love
Pepa Demasson is a long-time Co-op member from Maleny and is now producing a new local delicacy. "I have been creating black garlic for a while now and have also made black garlic salt to use in my kitchen. Then I thought - why not share it? Here it is…at Maple Street Co-op! Your tastebuds will go crazy for this umami, salty explosion!"
Black garlic was of East Asian origin, made by placing garlic in a warm, moist, controlled environment over a course of several weeks, a process that ages the cloves to a deep brownish-black. A blend of premium quality Australian sea salt and organic black garlic is made into a powder you can use to pep up any meal. Black garlic is used in a wide variety of culinary applications and is also high in antioxidants. "It could quickly become your go-to seasoning"
Pepa enthuses "It creates a truly wowing flavour experience!"
First published 2023