5 Tips for Enhancing Cellular Healing and Regeneration
Pascale Richy
The body has an innate healing ability and uses a detoxification method known as autophagy to get rid of old and unhealthy cells ensuring they are replaced with new healthy and optimally functioning ones. In this process which literally means “self-devouring”, excess cells and cellular wastes are cleaned up before they become a burden or cause harm to your wellbeing. Cellular stressors, such as nutrient deprivation from fasting, exercise, or significant temperature change trigger this energy sparing physiological response. Natural plant compounds in various herbs and foods can also initiate autophagy. Enhanced immunity, elimination of virally infected cells and improving mitochondrial health are some of the many benefits which result in a stronger and more stress resilient body and mind.
1. Intermittent fasting – restricting eating to a smaller window within the day (perhaps 8 hours) mimics a natural feast and famine cycle.
2. Heat and Cold therapies – ie: sauna followed by cold water submersion or alternating hot and cold shower.
3. High intensity interval and resistance training – could be a workout with a personal trainer or a dance class!
4. Healthy sleep cycle and circadian rhythm – regular bedtime with 7-9 hours relaxed sleep and a half hour of direct sunlight upon waking.
5. Food and herb medicines – ginger and turmeric; EGCG in green tea and dark chocolate; Resveratrol in blueberries, grapes and red wine; citrus bergamot; Carnosic acid in sage, oregano and rosemary; and Quercetin in red onions, cranberries and elderberries.